Sunday, December 29, 2019

Women s Care Of Babies - 937 Words

Men go to work. Women take care of babies. Women are far too fragile and dimwitted to ever have a real job. Men are responsible and intelligent so they have to support the family. Women have no idea how to run a business or change a tire, so they take care of babies. Men couldn’t possibly change a diaper or cook dinner, so they go to work. Men go to work. Women take care of babies. In a perfect world, this is how our society perceives marriage. But what if this isn’t the case? Well, welcome to the real world. Defying all gender stereotyping odds, my mother succeeded in raising two children while excelling in her career, without the help from a man. My mother encountered a multitude of obstacles along the way, yet she shielded her children’s feelings and concealed the hardships that appeared along the journey of motherhood. As I have matured, I have begun to sympathize with my mother, as well as other single parents, for the unimaginable difficulties that she had to endure in order to ensure success parenting. Parenting is real work, and it is arduous work, nonetheless. As a child, my father was appointed vice president at an incredibly high-end company, so we never had to worry about money. My father insisted that my mother never had to get a â€Å"real job†, so her only job was to take care of my brother and I. Unfortunately for her, I caught an infection that attacked my organs and resulted in the death of one of my kidneys. Consequently, I required around the clock care andShow MoreRelatedAsian Culture s Child Bearing Practices1225 Words   |  5 PagesCulture s child bearing practices. The Chinese practice differently than the Western Society. The Chinese Culture is very interesting and some of what they practice is interesting. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Media And Its Effects On The Media Essay - 2006 Words

In modern societies, the availability of information is vital to better decision making by voters, consumers, and investors. Much of that information is provided by the media, such as newspapers, television, and radio, which collect information and make it available to the public. As Americans, we trust what reporters write in the newspaper, and say on television and radio stations. Although we expect them to report the truth, current media outlets distort thier stories and give certain news reports disproportionate attention. The most important stories are often never seen on Television, read in the newspaper, or heard on the radio stations, while minor and trivial stories get the most news coverage. Hence celebrity engagements, divorce, entrance in rehabilitation centers and DUI cases are sold to the media and then regurgitated to us Americans which are left with inconsequential information. The media actually makes sure to feed us distracting information to keep us from the truth and avoid social movements that can highly affect the â€Å"one percent† of the USA. Mainstream media has the power to misinform the public therefore becoming in a way a social movement against public spheres and social movements created by the ‘99%’ with the sole purpose of controlling the public power. Social movements come and go, representing all political beliefs, and aim to achieve their political objectives by impelling a particular target group’s opinion. Some groups reach out directly toShow MoreRelatedMedia Effects On The Media Essay1273 Words   |  6 Pagesby the media whether we think we are or not. Theorists believe that too much media exposure can lead to knowledge, attitudes or behavioural changes within a society, this is called ‘media effects’ (Kuehn, â€Å"Media Effects†). These media effects consists of several Paradigms, a Paradigm is described as â€Å"a typical pattern or model† (Kuehn, â€Å"Media Effects†). The Paradigms this essay will consist of are called the ‘New Effects Paradigm’ and the ‘Powerful Effects Paradigm’. The New Effects ParadigmRead MoreThe Effects Of Media On The Media1466 Words   |  6 PagesIn every woman’s life, the media holds a strong influence on how she views herself. Whether it be a celebrity’s secret anti-aging cream, at-home workout plan, or new clothing line, women look towards the media to impact their decisions on their appearance. Although positive effects can come from letting advertisements guide one’s judgement, sometimes false advertisements can have a negative impact on how a woman perceives herself. People in charge of commercials, magazines, and other ads distortRead MoreThe Effects Of Media On The Media1402 Words   |  6 Pagesday, when the media or movies showed a hint or a dash of blood, the reaction of the average person was shock and disgust at the blood and gore shown. These scenes and clips shown have become more and more extreme over the years to the level of being hazardous to society. Even in the videogame industry, certain scenes that may have caused outrage and commotion fifteen years ago are now seen as childish and may even be considered as humorous. To put it candidly, most of the mass media has been usedRead MoreThe Effects Of Media On The Media1564 Words   |  7 Pagesimmune to the backlash from risky advertisement. In a day and age when it seems like anything goes, a simple commercial sparked a nationwide controversy. While the issue at hand may be about race, the following analysis will show that in any piece of media we could pick all day long at the potentially politically incorrect content within. While none of these other issues may have been noticed or addressed, the company was faced with the dilemma of continuing to air the content. One side always has toRead MoreEffects Of Mass Media On The Media781 Words   |  4 Pages Effects of Mass Media Pauline Rewis HUM/186 October 19, 2015 Allyson Wells Effects of Mass Media In this day and age, most anyone can find out just about anything, on any subject, at any time with just a few clicks of a button. The act of gathering information used to be a much more tedious and physical endeavor. However, these days it can be done with ease thanks to the enormous developments in mass media distribution over the last century. The major mode of information distributionRead MoreThe News Media And The Effects Of The News Media726 Words   |  3 PagesEffects of News Media Michael Green HUM/186 08/07/2017 Allyson Wells Effects of News Media The effects or the news media in today’s culture is tremendous. We use the news media not only to stay informed, but also as a way among many Americans to form an opinion about certain topics in today’s world. This information is provided to us through the use of sources such as television news, radio and more and more the internet. These forms of information find themselves in a constant and perpetualRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence On The Media Essay1111 Words   |  5 PagesThe media has become one of the main sources where people obtain their information from. This information can be taken in knowingly, or through subliminal messages. The media like magazines, videos, commercials, television shows, and movies. Since, media has major influence over the public; violence being portrayed in the media is causing problems. Violence against women in the media has been happening for decades. The violence has been taking shape in many forms, as in emotional and phy sical violenceRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Media On The Media960 Words   |  4 Pagespersonality trait. Media use. A self-assessment survey, the Media Multitasking Index (Ophir et al., 2009) will be used to measure overall media consumption and media multitasking. However, it will be slightly modified to assess electronic media use only. The original questionnaire included print media, which is not hypothesized to inhibit emotional regulation. Additionally, the original measures did not contain the use of social networking sites, which will be replacing â€Å"print media.† These changesRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Media Violence In The Media754 Words   |  4 Pagesthe media, I noticed that many violent images in the media such as movies, videogames, and music have inspired people to commit large amounts of violent acts, such as committing assaults and murders. It is proven that children can he affected by the violence in media, when they are at a small age. When adults, some can be more aggressive than others, and some may commit more crimes than others. Over 1,000 case studies have proven that media violence can have negative effects on childrenRead MoreThe Effects Of Media On The Media Influences Viewers1587 Words   |  7 PagesRacial Bias in the Media Influences Viewers Television reaches more consumers for more time than any other source of media. Its use for entertainment or news is overly influential, persuasive, and authoritative. Through these characteristics, any type of information or message influences its massive audience. Because of this, what Americans see – or fail to see- has a powerful impact on how they view other races. Young children are especially vulnerable to the information they are exposed to. TV

Friday, December 13, 2019

Spring Jazz Band Concert Report Free Essays

On Friday, April 29, 2011, I went to see Spring Jazz Concert at Sophia B. Clarke Theater. Most of performers have great instrument skill and show us a wonderful music. We will write a custom essay sample on Spring Jazz Band Concert Report or any similar topic only for you Order Now Each movement highlights the character, range, and technical abilities of an individual instrument, all of pieces stand on their own as intricate musical gems. The show was divided for two parts, and they have different sections on those two parts. During the concert, we would hear different music programs by playing in different music instruments such as saxophones, trumpets, trombones, drums, bass, guitar, and piano. Each performer represents different music instruments. On the first parts of the concert, there were three songs. In conclusion, I enjoyed this concert very much because the music in this concert was very nice. In my opinion, I had totally different feelings between I listened music in the concert and at home, and the atmosphere of concert was awesome. Besides the music, I had deep impression in the performers; every performers in the concert had much passion when they were performing. In my opinion, because of their wonderful performance, I could hear such nice music. Also, everyone in the concert was polite. Every times when conductor came to the stage or the song was end, almost every audience stood up and applauded to the performers, the applause lasted for a pretty long time. At that time, I felt so good. All in all, I really enjoyed this concert. The tone color of most of the jazz bands that I saw was smooth and inviting. This made the bands easier to listen to. They were polyphonic in structure, where all of the different instruments were playing different melodies. The rhythm that was used was in a quadruple meter. This was true for all of the bands. The only thing that I wished would have happened was that there would have been more improvisation instead of reading from sheet music. They were very structured in that way. How to cite Spring Jazz Band Concert Report, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Meal Food - Families and the Market

Question: Discuss about the case study Meal for Food, Families and the Market. Answer: Competitor Name Maggi Koka Nissin Position strategy Maggie has positioned itself as the the 2-minutes noodles (Ekstrm, 2016). In the view of the customers, it is easy to cook and good to eat. It reinforces the health focus It has positioned itself as noodles with soup for kids to give satisfaction the hunger pangs in between the meals The communication of brand focuses on the situations in which the children demand something to consume prior to having dinner The communication of brand focuses on the situations in which the children demand something to consume prior to having dinner It has positioned itself and has created a unique position (Ekstrm, 2016). Koka is positioned to offer high quality without compromising the taste and convenience. It offers popular local flavours like Satay and Laska. It has positioned its products as healthy instant noodles and has a hope of attracting the noodle eaters who are health conscious They aim to provide the new forms of experience for the consumers who purchase the noodles manufactured by their company It has positioned itself as a healthy brand as it not includes Mono Sodium Glutamate (MSG) (Jobber Ellis-Chadwick, 2012). After Maggie, the next brand which arrived in the market is Nissin (Hollensen, 2015). It has positioned itself and has created a unique position This brand has adopted the attribute of a product based positioning and has also highlighted its products It has positioned itself as noodles with soup for kids to give satisfaction the hunger pangs in between the meals The communication of brand focuses on the situations in which the children demand something to consume prior to having dinner It reinforces the health focus It has positioned its products as healthy instant noodles and has a hope of attracting the noodle eaters who are health conscious (Boone Kurtz, 2013). Differentiation strategy It employs the differentiation strategy related to the forms, features, quality, performance, reliability, durability, reparability, design and style as well as service. It had opened a complete new market for instant noodles Its campaigns of advertising are used as tools for creating market differentiation (Kotler et al., 2015) The precept of health has been one big way to create differentiation in the market Its campaigns of advertising are used as tools for creating market differentiation (Boone Kurtz, 2013). It had opened a complete new market for instant noodles (Jobber Ellis-Chadwick, 2012). It employs the differentiation strategy related to the forms, features, quality, performance, reliability, durability, reparability, design and style as well as service. It had opened a complete new market for instant noodles (De Mooij, 2013). Pricing Strategy The initial strategy of pricing was low in order to make the products reasonably priced (De Mooij, 2013). It comes in reasonable prices starting from rupees five Instead of increasing the prices, it has reduced the quantity It also analyzes the cost, products and prices of its competitors It sets lesser prices for boosting the market share as it can gain the profits of a long-term basis It sometimes reduces the prices of its products for promotion (Czinkota Ronkainen, 2013). It analyzes the cost, products and prices of its competitors It sets lesser prices for boosting the market share as it can gain the profits of a long-term basis The initial strategy of pricing was low in order to make the products reasonably priced Instead of increasing the prices, it has reduced the quantity It sometimes reduces the prices of its products for promotion It also analyzes the cost, products and prices of its competitors The cheap price of Nissin can meet the objectives of pricing It sometimes reduces the prices of its products for promotion It sets lesser prices for boosting the market share as it can gain the profits of a long-term basis It also analyzes the cost, products and prices of its competitors This food company sometimes reduce its prices because it considers the lower price of its competitors and it gives a response to the changes of prices (Rosenbloom, 2012). Distribution strategy The distribution network of Maggi is well spread in almost all parts of the world It is readily available in grocery stores , and retail shops Its distribution has become more intensive and it has adopted a variety of programmes in order to encourage its products over its competitors in the global market The distribution of Maggi products is carried out intensively by means of several ways such as : Supermarket Grocery shops Convenience Stores The customers can also the buy its products from anywhere at anytime (Armstrong et al., 2014). The relationship between the sales volume and place of distribution is very close. It is readily available in grocery stores , and retail shops Its distribution has become more intensive and it has adopted a variety of programmes in order to encourage its products over its competitors in the global market (Armstrong et al., 2014). The distribution of Nissin products is carried out intensively by means of several ways such as : Supermarket Grocery shops Convenience Stores Vending machine The customers can also the buy its products from anywhere at anytime The relationship between the sales volume and place of distribution is very close Its distribution has become more intensive and it has adopted a variety of programmes in order to encourage its products over its competitors in the global market Promotional Strategy The products of Maggie are promoted by: Distribution of free samples Effective communication of the tagline Different sizes s Maggie e.g. 200 gms, 100 gms, 50 gms etc. Giving gifts on returning the empty packets Wet sampling (Distribution of cooked Maggie)and Dry sampling (distribution of Maggie packets) Sponsoring several events of children Spending huge amount on the electronic as well as printing media advertisements The company does promotions by providing the free samples It s now targeting the products at the entire level of family and not only the children (Armstrong et al., 2012). It is observed as an innovator in the market in terms of processing the noodles It utilizes the technology of cooking by means of steam and air drying Its purple wheat noodles are very much popular and is in high demand by the public It is also recognized as an environment friend brand since it prefers to utilize the recycled materials Spending huge amount on the electronic as well as printing media advertisements The company offers a variety of flavours (De Mooij, 2013). The company offers a variety of flavours such as mushroom, chicken, chilli crab, laksa and tom yam seafood. The packet noodles comprise of different types such as dry, semi-dry and soups. Nissin foods has been discovered to be win the challenge of the world campaign and it has a tie up with the Manchester United The agreement on global partnership with the Manchester United is intended to offer a big scope for expanding the Nissin instant noodles The company does promotions by providing the free samples Spending huge amount on the electronic as well as printing media advertisements References Armstrong, G., Adam, S., Denize, S., Kotler, P. (2014).Principles of marketing. Pearson Australia. Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., Brennan, R. (2012).Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Prentice-Hall, London. Boone, L. E., Kurtz, D. L. (2013).Contemporary marketing. Cengage learning. Czinkota, M. R., Ronkainen, I. A. (2013).International marketing. Cengage Learning. De Mooij, M. (2013).Global marketing and advertising: Understanding cultural paradoxes. Sage Publications. Ekstrm, K. (2016). 5 The multi-cultural food market.The Practice of the Meal: Food, Families and the Market Place,10, 57. Hollensen, S. (2015).Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education. Jobber, D., Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2012).Principles and practice of marketing(No. 7th). McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Kotler, P., Burton, S., Deans, K., Brown, L., Armstrong, G. (2015).Marketing. Pearson Higher Education AU. Rosenbloom, B. (2012).Marketing channels. Cengage Learning.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Polis Essay Example For Students

The Polis Essay During the Archaic Period of Ancient Greece, many communities segregated themselves into small, subdivided city-states. Such cities were small, but managed to establish the very roots of democracy today. The term polis can be defined as an independent state governed by its population. Such a definition is accurate, however also could be considered broad and constricted. In deeper aspects, the polis was an organized state or community that worked together in upholding equivalent rights with an effort to prevent tyranny, or a state governed by one person. The polis went through extensive political efforts to maintain its unity and natural rights. Such qualities of a state led to other enhancements of the polis such as the social, religious, and economic aspects of joined community. We will write a custom essay on The Polis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The polis developed shortly after Cultural Revolution of ancient Greece during the early Archaic Period. During this time period almost every aspect of life went experienced a major change. Socially and politically Greece began to develop greater stability. Unlike other areas, which developed mostly into personal leadership, Greece followed an antagonistic political principle of unity and basic equality. The polis emerged from such political ideology to form a state of equal natural rights and the absence of tyranny. Some of the major reasons why Greece did not develop single rulers were because of financially weak kings, weapons which made war chiefs obsolete in strategic commanding, geographical isolation, and a simplicity of Greek life which withheld principles of equality. Such conditions helped curve the development of the polis. Politically, the polis was known to be well established. The political structure of the polis was based upon its value of equal representation and natural rights. Therefore the major office was filled with different officials managing different aspects of the community. One official might conduct religious ceremonies, another official would control civil aspects, and son on. Such members of the cabinet were only temporary, and were replaced on a regular basis to avoid anyone gaining too much political strength. Individually, citizens of the polis had equal rights and commitments to their communities. Every citizen had an equal representation and say in their beliefs and ideas which would strengthen their community. Likewise, everyone also had equal votes and voices to elect officials in performing higher tasks. Eventually such officials grew into a council whichGained higher roles and duties parallel with the growing population. In time political and military organizations began figh ting with other independent states over possession of farmland and other important geographical aspects. As the population of such states grew, complications did as well. However the polis continually managed to maintain its ideology of communal unity. (Starr, p.206)Socially the polis contained moral and ideal qualities that are still contained in modern democracy. Aside from equal representation, citizens of the polis had great appreciation for their state in government, and worked collectively to preserve such a state. Their society was composed of equal citizens who constantly worked to supply their needs for both survival and growth. Although the polis did consist of several classes, none were distinguished too sharply and everyone was focused more on their community rather than themselves. The social classes of a typical polis consists of an upper class where one must be a citizen without a job but a method of high income. A member of the upper class would also be free from eco nomic tasks such as trading or farming, but instead must get slaves or others to attend material concerns such as property and fortune. Only by such liberation of work can an upperclassman find time for government, war, literature, and philosophy. The Greeks also believed there must be a leisure class, or there would be no standard for good taste, no encouragement of the arts, and no civilization. Such a class fell into the category of the middle class. The middle class also had a large number of non-citizens from foreign birth. Although they were ineligible for citizenship, they would spend their lives professionally as merchants, contractors, tradesman, craftsman, and artists. In fact a large portion of the ceramic industries of some cities were owned by the middle class. Such occupations and economic liberty far outweighed the downside of non-citizenship. Although they were unable to own land or marry into a family of citizens, the non-citizens still maintained a substantial weal th and a comfortable life. The lower class of the polis was partly made up of freedmen, who at one time in their lives had been slaves. Most of the time these people were not citizens of the State, so the best they could ever be is middle class. The remainder of the lower class consisted of farmers and peasants who worked enough only to continue their daily lifestyles. Such people rarely were citizens of the state, and were only a minor step above slavery. Therefore Greeks in general felt that all men were not created equal. To citizen, there was no greater disgrace than being stripped of his citizenship. Some families had lived in Greece for generations, but they still were not considered citizens. The middle and lower classes outnumbered the upper class by an enormous number, but only the upper class citizens who owned land could vote. This meant that all the decisions were made by the few, even though the rules they made up applied to all. (Lumas, p.108) The citizens and all clas ses of the polis valued religion and culture very much. Typically, a Greek state would contain an official that would act as the religious leader for the remaining population. Such an official would conduct ceremonies to worship their gods and perform the religious tasks that were expected by their gods. However, although a common religion was practiced by a huge majority of the population, it was not required by many of the lower classes. As mentioned earlier, the Greeks highly valued their personal and individual freedom. Such freedom was a major aspect of their culture and was expressed through different arts and ideas. Although the Greek citizens highly appreciated a stable economy and workforce, they valued freedom and culture even more. The production wines, paintings, ceramics, and traditional ceremonies for weddings, births, and funerals were all an important aspect of Greek culture. The Greeks valued the enjoyment and leisure of life to the same degree (if not more) than an y other aspect of their civilization. (Starr,208)The Polis was indeed a highly organized concept of civilization. The values and freedoms which originated from the polis are strongly reflected in modern society. Their belief in individual rights and an overall commitment towards their community seemed to have been applied much well in the Greek society than it ever would in our modern democracy. However the ideas which originated from the polis serve as an ideal state and a goal which we continually aim to achieve in our modern world. BibliographyReferences Chester G. Starr, A History Of The Ancient World, 4th ed. 1991 Michael A. Lumas, The Atlas of World Histroy, 1993. .u28ad6345f29a4b2b7bd35b131ecbb031 , .u28ad6345f29a4b2b7bd35b131ecbb031 .postImageUrl , .u28ad6345f29a4b2b7bd35b131ecbb031 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u28ad6345f29a4b2b7bd35b131ecbb031 , .u28ad6345f29a4b2b7bd35b131ecbb031:hover , .u28ad6345f29a4b2b7bd35b131ecbb031:visited , .u28ad6345f29a4b2b7bd35b131ecbb031:active { border:0!important; } .u28ad6345f29a4b2b7bd35b131ecbb031 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u28ad6345f29a4b2b7bd35b131ecbb031 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u28ad6345f29a4b2b7bd35b131ecbb031:active , .u28ad6345f29a4b2b7bd35b131ecbb031:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u28ad6345f29a4b2b7bd35b131ecbb031 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u28ad6345f29a4b2b7bd35b131ecbb031 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u28ad6345f29a4b2b7bd35b131ecbb031 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u28ad6345f29a4b2b7bd35b131ecbb031 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u28ad6345f29a4b2b7bd35b131ecbb031:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u28ad6345f29a4b2b7bd35b131ecbb031 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u28ad6345f29a4b2b7bd35b131ecbb031 .u28ad6345f29a4b2b7bd35b131ecbb031-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u28ad6345f29a4b2b7bd35b131ecbb031:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Usmoke EssayHistory Essays

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Why did the United State gover essays

Why did the United State gover essays In the spring of 2003 the United States of America invaded the country of Iraq for the second time. The invasion occurred amongst a storm of controversy in regards to the justification for the incursion. Though the international community was in agreement that the oppressive dictatorship of Saddam Hussien needed to comply with UN resolution, they did not unanimously approve of direct military action to remove him from power. However, the United States acted unilaterally and invaded Iraq with out international consent. In the aftermath of the invasion the United States relations with other countries have been strained. In particular, the international community is questioning the rational and justification for the invasion. This statement begs the question: why did the United States participate in the invasion of Iraq? There exist many potential hypotheses that would explain the US involvement in the Iraqi invasion. However, two opposing and yet equally possible explanations have received a great deal of attention in the media. One school of thought conveys that the US action in Iraq was the result of a dependancy and desire to secure a reliable and inexpensive source of oil. The second school of thought claims that the action was the product of the United States desire to engage and expand the global community of democratic nations. This paper is a proposal for a research plan that seeks to examine the rational and justification for the US invasion o f Iraqi. Specifically, to determine if the US action was the result of oil or democracy. The research plan for this study will include a broad survey of the news media, US government documents, and international organization (UN) documents with particular attention paid to the subjects at hand. The critical test which will determine the validity of one hypothesis and reject the other is as follows. In warfare the most important objectives are the primary targets, they...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Health disparities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Health disparities - Essay Example This research paper â€Å"Health disparities† examines the health issues in the modern day context. One of the important findings that can be observed from the article that the prevalence of health disparity in the form of osteoporosis is quite high amid the women belonging to Switzerland and is anticipated to raise dramatically in future due to the significant factor of aging population. However, there are certain strategies or policy interventions that can be followed in order to deal with one of the imperative health disparity of osteoporosis. The strategies might include screening and assessing fracture risks relating to the health disparity of osteoporosis. Health disparities are often considered to be one of the critical issues in the modern day context. It is generally caused due to improper treatment of various individuals along with various discrepancies. It has been apparently observed relating to the article that the women in the US are largely suffering from the he alth disparities of BDM and osteoporosis at large. It can be stated that one of the major reasons for the occurrence of the previously mentioned health disparities is aging population that is mounting extensively in the US. Furthermore, smoking has also been identified as the other chief reason for creating such health disparities. Health disparities can be reduced with promotion of personal dignity along with responsibility of a person. They can also be improved through establishing effective communication. (Kutner, 2006). Moreover, the health disparities can be improved through maintaining the instructions prescribed by medical specialists. In this similar context, there are certain effective strategies that can enhance the health of the Swiss women who have been suffering with the critical health disparities like BDM and osteoporosis. One of the effective strategies for the population i.e. the Swiss women who are extremely suffering from BDM and osteoporosis is the intake of calc ium or vitamin, either in the form of diet or exercise. Apart from intake of calcium or vitamin, the population suffering from the aforementioned critical health disparities can also enhance their health through performing weight-bearing exercises (The Joint Commission, 2008). It can also be stated that the application of mammography-screening can also be used as an effective strategy in improving the health disparity of BDM and osteoporosis amid the population of Swiss women. This particular screening would lessen the aforementioned health disparities by conducting screening tests in the initial stage enabling the patients to keep fit (Lee, Mountain & Koenig, 2001). Addressing Similar Health Issues for Women Population The women population in the US facing health issues such as BDM and osteoporosis are required to experience certain significant treatments to keep themselves free from such critical health hazards. It can be affirmed that the patients suffering from osteoporosis and BDM are required to have proper treatment concerning their bones. The treatment regarding such health issues can be addressed in accordance with primary intervention. In this regard, relating to BDM, it can be addressed through conducting general screenings for lessening the risk of fractures. In the context of tertiary prevention, different aspects like mobility aiding,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Corporate personality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Corporate personality - Essay Example ive Officers (CEO) of large corporations as well as marketing managers of even smaller organisations are not hesitant to spend large sums of money in creating brand awareness through advertisements which also helps create the identity of the organisation among its customers. Against this background, it can be noted that the concept of â€Å"corporate personality† is topical and is indispensable especially to organisations which are seriously concerned about making profits as well as ensuring their survival and viability in an environment characterised by stiff competition. In order to get a clear understanding of the concept of corporate personality considering the attitude of the courts to this important part of company law, it is imperative to begin by explaining what corporate personality is. Corporate personality is mainly concerned with establishing and maintaining the identity of a company (Gibson 1998). This involves creating the brand name or logo of the company which will be used as its identity to distinguish itself from the other companies operating in the same industry. In a free market, competition by various players is so intense such that there is need for companies to come up with strong brands that will make them different from the other players. This is particularly very important in that it will allow the customers to choose and identify with particular products which can help generate more revenue on behalf of the customer. This also helps the organisation to position its unique brand in the market which can give it a competitive a dvantage. However, gaining competitive advantage is not the only purpose of corporate personality but there is more to that than what is generally believed by many people. The operations of different companies are guided by the legal framework obtaining in that particular country. The laws in different countries are also particularly designed to protect the citizens from losing their money when they enter into

Monday, November 18, 2019

Efficiency of the market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Efficiency of the market - Essay Example At the same time, perfect indiscriminate price monopoly not only leads to the optimal benefit to the firm but also maximizes market efficiency. In monopolistic market, single-priced monopoly adversely impacts the market mainly because it does not reflect the real human cost of producing goods which result in market anomalies and inefficient market. But when perfect indiscriminate price monopoly is applied on goods, the market response is more positive. Different price strategy in segmented market helps the firm to sell all the goods that are produced. In imperfect indiscriminate pricing, inefficient allocation of resources adversely influences the market efficiency and consequently, both the firm and the consumer become losers. Moreover, perfect indiscriminate price monopoly also encourages innovative inputs and highly creative ideas that facilitate production of goods which can provide the firms with competitive advantage vis-Ã  -vis market monopoly. Patents law, intellectual rights and copyrights are prime examples of government aided monopoly that promotes creative inputs and widens the scope of market driven goals and

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Environmental Case Analysis Of Ryanair Commerce Essay

The Environmental Case Analysis Of Ryanair Commerce Essay In an organisation the most important feature is its strategy, because strategy is the feature which gives the means to the firm to be successful. This is an effective long-term method to conduct an organisation to reach its objectives and goals to stay put on its competitive edge The scope of this essay is to consult the strategic analysis of environment and the industry together with the companys present strategic choices, and also it is requested to recommend new strategic initiatives and areas for improving strategy implementation for the senior management team of Ryanair. This is conducted with the use of six strategic models (SWOT, PESTLE, Porters Five Forces, Strategic groups, Value Chain and VRIO) that are recommended to be used to analyse the internal and external environment of the company. Each model will be taken in to deliberation and discussed carefully to highlight what had begin the case for the negative perception and the positive perception of both the customers and the companies towards its growth and sustainability Therefore this case study will be analysed to pin point on what should be done for the future strategic management of the company. Out of all the low fare airlines in the European industry Ryanair takes the lead. This airline however is from Ireland and its head office is situated in Dublin. London Stansted Airport in UK is its main operational base. Ryanair is named as the largest low cost carrier and the is the third largest airline in the account of passenger numbers. To offer- secure, cost competitive and efficient in services in the aviation hauling and to retain their employees dedication and devotion to fulfil the objectives of the industry, to maintain minimum standard of on time performance rate while complying will all application regulations and to sustain an environments where dignity and family values are being utilized. Objectives To achieve revenue growth annually To aim on having a bigger market share To have a better customer service than their rival companies To have a stronger business image Reputations with clients than rivals To be recognized as a leader among airline industries To compete in the global market To have a stable competitive advantage (Marivic .B 2009) 3.0 Micro environment analysis (Internal analysis) Organisations create worth of customer value being measured by a product performance characterises and by the credits which customers are willing to pay, by utilizing the capabilities and resources that are found internally and reaching the demand of standard global competition . These particular collection of capabilities and resources which gives the exclusive advantages to the organisation are therefore measured as core competencies Carpenter, Bauer, Erdogan (2009) 3.1 SWOT analysis (Strength and Weaknesses) Strengths The lowest cost in contrast to all the other LCC in Europe The low cost leadership had made it stand out from the arena of LCC industry in Europe The worlds most profitable airline According to the case Ryanair was the most profitable airline in the world on the basis of its operating and net profit margin, on per airline and passenger basis. Brand recognition It is claimed according to the case that Ryanairs website was the largest travel website in Europe and the fifth most recognized brand in Google The attitude of No frill Low fare To overcome the weakness of low passengers the airline restyled the system with this attitude Compared to other LCC airlines Ryanair has the most passengers 42 million passengers in 2007 Most amount of bases with most amount of aircrafts According to the case study Ryanair has flown from 16 bases with over 100 new Boeing 737-800 ordering further 138 new air crafts doubling the size Highest control in the EU low cost market 29.9% from the entire Low cost market Being the youngest fleet of all the major airlines in the EU Replacing its fleet of old aircrafts with new, more eco friendly aircrafts, minimizing the average age of its fleet to 2.4 years. Weaknesses Wheelchair chargers Bad reputation and ethical issues reflected when ryanair charged 18 pounds to use a wheelchair and in response to the protest it reduced the charge to 50 cents wheelchair toll on every passenger ticket Poor service quality The little legroom and unfriendly staff being the worst part of Ryanairs know-how Extra charge for food and luggages Carryon luggages being limited and making them check in bags allowing the passengers to walk in with minimum of hold luggage Bad relationship with the pilots Ryanair has bullied pilots to force them to agree to new contracts wherer they would have to pay 15,000 francs for retraining on new aircrafts if they left the airline. Airports in the suburbs Away from the main city make the customers inconvenient Negative response by the passengers for the additional services According to the case not all ancillary services initiatives were successful in 2005, passengers were resistance to pay additional amount because they thought it is not a worthwhile investment for a short flight. 3.2 The Value chain Infrastructure of the firm Around Europe Ryanair has 16 bases having the main bases in Stanstead and Dublin. The chargers of Ryanair airports are low due to its use of airports that are significantly away from the congested main airports. As adaptation for surcharges are not included for fuel they have to cut costs of on other ways with implementing chargers for the use of wheelchairs ,food and extra luggages. Ryanair having one type of aircrafts (boeing 737) they only have to train the pilots to fly thos particular plane hence can cut down costs as they do not have to be sent to various courses.The hierachial structure of Ryanair is very effective as the managers have to report to the CEO to make decision from the information given. Human Resource management Having the employees sleep in the bases and not having them stay in hotels has made Ryanair reduce costs. Ryanair can make future plans since they have a good roster for most of their workers having 4 days on and 3 days off. Technological development Online booking was introduced by Ryanair for the first time and thus they became eligible to reduce their costs. Self-check service enabling to the passengers was also introduced too thus Ryanair was able to reduce staff and cost. Having the youngest fleets in the EU made Ryanair reduced in costs for the new airplanes. Procurement Ryanair only providing a service and having to outsource the material they need. in addition to that they have to buy fuel and equipment collectively with leasing planes. Inbound logistics Out sourcing of handling services is very common fir a business like this I.e. cleaning service, food, medical services and security/safety. Operations Before setting off it is a must to check out all the planes and equipments by the pilots and the airports used are not very congested and only make point to point trips Marketing and sales Having the biggest website in Europe and having large advertising boards made them increase in sales and marketing. However the attempt of introducing the entertainment facility onto flights where customers had to pay more was failed as people refused to pay due to short journeys Service Having tried to keep the fleet up-to-date and letting the staff go on course once a year to improve their knowledge and making sure they know all the new regulations made Ryanair powerful on services as well. 3.3 VRIO Analysis Resources and capabilities can be regard as things that an organization own. It is essential to narrow down and clarify the core competencies to understand the meaning of the different organizational performances. If an organizations resource and capabilities are valuable, rare, inimitable and organized then it will direct to a sustainable competitive advantage. The internal analysis can thus be analyzed through this base of VRIO framework. Carpenter. M, Bauer. T, Erdogan .B (2009) Analysis of the case Recourses Valuable Rare Inimitability Organized Competitive Implication (1) Human Resources No No No No Competitive disadvantage (2) Finance Resources Yes Yes Yes Yes Sustainable competitive advantage (3) Tangible assets Yes No No Yes Competitive Parity (4) Intangible assets Yes Yes Yes Yes Sustainable competitive advantage (Table 1) The human resource of Ryanair is a competitive disadvantage as it highlights on bad relationship with pilots therefore it is not valuable it is not rare it is inimitable and it is not organized as it is not effectively arranged and deployed in the market. The Finance resources of Ryanair is valuable, it is rare, it cannot be imitated by other airlines and it is well organised and effectively arranged in the market thus it is a sustainable competitive advantage. The tangible assets of Ryanair i.e. the airplane types etc are valuable but they are not rare they can find them anywhere and the planes are imitable as any other company could have the same kind of flights. They are very well organized with the youngest planes and eco friendly with better airlines to come in to the firm in the future. Thus it has a competitive parity. The intangible assets of Ryanair especially the brand recognition are valuable they are rare and they are inimitable and they also effectively help the organisation to be organized. Thus it is a sustainable competitive advantage. 4.0 External analysis 4.1 SWOT analysis (Opportunities and Threats) Opportunities Sales increases due to credit crunch As a result of the recent recession the credit crunch made the sales increase as many customers wanted to reduce their costs. Can join the long haul market penetration by the possibility of taking over Aer Lingus As the result of losing the bid Miceal OLeary assumed that Aer Lingus can be bought over as it has no long term future. Most routes are being clear as other carriers start withdrawing As the clash increased with the routes of Ryanair other airlines such as My Travel Light are avoiding the routes all together. Threats Threats due to accidents If an accident happen in a LCC airline it will Marjory affect the firm as there are a very high percentage of significant reduce in demand Attacks of terrorists Attacks like 9/11 will reduce the demand for airlines. Increasing fuel price Ryanair limiting its ability to pass on increased costs to the passengers of low fare placing extra fare on the carriers as a policy to find cost saving in other spheres of its operations leading Ryanair for hedging. Possibility of taxation introduction Due to global warming there can be a environmental taxation Increased competition from developing countries Easyjet having and extra skyttax star For website booking and customer support Ryanair scored 1/5 in nine of the 16 criterias. (Bitterwallet nd) 4.2 The PESTLE analytical technique (Figure 1) The Macro Environmental analysis, What makes a good leader? Political One of the significant advantages to Ryanair is its political environment as the majority of its procedures are controlled within Europe. This region maintains political stability and it was a fact that we all knew. Even when there is government instability Ryanair does not experience issues as an apprehension regarding passenger volumes or flight destinations Economic For the airlines industry the increment of fuel price caused a major problem they had to cut corners if they did not hedge to accumulate cost on other areas. There can be seen a fall in demand for the flights due to the recent economic crisis. Hence job cuts increased and customers have low disposable income blocking them to spend on vacations. However this could be an advantage for other cheaper airline industries as there are people who are still able to afford a vacation as they are looking for lower cost alternatives. Social This factor has generally impacted Ryanairs business strategy. The prediction of Buyer behavior are becoming gradually more complex to forecast as loyalty are being shifted by the modern consumers from one brand to anther due to the differentiation of price and lack of basic buyer reliability. In addition to that the increasing competition among carriers with low cost fare is resulting in consumers mentally in which carrier to choose when traveling within Europe destinations. Technological The modern era is advance in technology which means that the entire industry is under change with more eco friendly and efficient. Online booking is one major improvement Ryanair has technological wise having the most visited travel website in Europe together with the fifth most recognized brand on Google Legal The heavily regulated industry with laws that are constantly adapting to new changers by not allowing liquid in the customers carry on luggages bring the legal aspect of Ryanair in to action. The new laws that implies to airline industries are the laws that are put across the industries to be more environmentally friendly. This will thus lead to companies fight ting to reduce carbon emission and make the industry less harmful to the environment to meet the terms of EU regulations. Environmental The external environment of Ryanair is somewhat stable. Nevertheless understanding the consumer behavior is Ryanairs biggest problem together with utilizing marketing applications to improve entire buyer patronage and sales performance. 4.3 Porters Five Forcers The case study will be discussed through the porters five forces analysis. This analysis is a very powerful yet simple technique to find out where the power stays in a business. This technique is used to comprehend the strengths of the present competitive position and the future where Ryanair is willing to go in. High Medium Low High Medium Bargaining power of suppliers In the airline industry there is a small number of low fare airlines, thus it shows a high threat according to the case Ryanair is being chosen by many customers for its lowest price. However by any chance if there is a price raise customers have a high potential of switching to another brand in brief customers have no loyalty towards one brand. Which gives the result as bargaining power of the suppliers is low. Bargaining power of buyers The potential of switching to other airlines are very common with LCCs since the customers are only looking for the cheapest. Therefore if Ryanair increase the cost under any circumstance there is a possibility of losing customer. In that case its evident that buyer bargaining power is high. Rivalry of competitors As a result of slow growth in the industry most carriers find it difficult to succeed the chance of succession is limited to a few firms because of the competition for market share. The high fixed cost and low product differentiation leads to high rivalry threat. This shows with Air Ligus, GlyBe and Easyjet following the similar path of Ryanair. Substitution Threat There are many substitutes for long trip i.e. Trains Buses, cars, ferries. However one cannot compare a plane with all of the above mentioned alternatives and a plane travel faster than any of them. Therefore substitute threat is moderate. The threat of new entry Airline industry is not the easiest to enter it has a lot of barriers. Ryanair is the market leader and with the implementations of new regulations and the pressure to reduce carbon emission makes it a moderate threat of new entry to the market. 4.4 Strategic groups Quality 3 2 1 Cost According to the dimensions of quality and cost of the entire industry (Refer appendix 1) 1st group falls under the same strategic group as they have same strategy of low cost leadership. 2nd group mainly serving to the people with a moderate income levels and moderate cost therefore they have the same strategy of medium cost leadership strategy. 3rd group falls under the same strategic group, as they have the same strategy of high cost high quality. Profitability 3 2 1 Number of passengers According to the dimension of profitability and number of passengers of Budget airline industry (Refer appendix 1) 1st group falls under the same strategic group as they have low profit and lowest number of passengers 2nd group falls under the same strategic group as they have medium profitability and medium amount of passengers travelling 3rd group falls under the same strategic group as they have high profitability and the highest number of passenger 5.0 Strategic choices and the recommended strategy The strategic framework of change management This framework helps Ryanair to understand the substantial change over recent years and the importance of organisational culture to organizational analysis. It also can be used to identify the key steps that could improve the management of change. However according to the Ryanair case study management is up to a good standard and therefore change management is least important The strategic framework for advertising challengers This framework can be implemented to Ryanair as it had an incident with a customer where she was mislead by an advertisement, yet this framework is also a less important The strategic framework for Customer Relationship Management This framework is used to broaden the understanding of CRM. Negative response by the passengers for the additional services Bad relationship with the pilots Poor service quality These are some of the weaknesses Ryanairs CRM come across thus to fill the bridge of the gap between negative attitude towards Customer relationship and to make it more favourable it is a must for ryanair to focus on the CRM. If Ryanair take this strategic frame work in to action they will be able to Become The most favourable airline in the industry The most profitable budget airline The positive word of mouth The well recognized brand in the industry Moreover with Customer relationship management the internal market will be looked in to with a positive perspective when the employees are motivated and when there is a beginning for employment recognition thus employees will be treated well which will lead to an overall success of the airline 6.0 Conclusion Ryanair case study was analysed through six analytical techniques (SWOT, PESTLE, Porters five Forces, Value chain, VRIO and strategic groups). Based on the analysers the management can now understand that in order to improve the strategic implementation they must follow the strategic framework of Customer relationship management It helps to bridge the gap and to meet their objectives. Therefore when the recommended framework is implemented the vision of Ryanair can be reached easily. 7.0 Referencing Beamish. H.R, 2008 Strategic management, 3rd edition, Pearson Prentice Hall Bourgeois L.J, Duhaime.I.M, Stimpert J.L, (1999) Strategic Management: a managerial perspective, 2nd Edition, Dryden press, USA Bourgeois L.J, Duhaime.I.M, Stimpert J.L, (1999) Strategic Management: a managerial perspective, 2nd Edition, Dryden press, USA Carpenter. M, Bauer. T, Erdogan .B (March 2009), Developing strategy through internal analysis Principles of management, ,Retrived on 15th April 2010 from Carpenter. M, Bauer. T, Erdogan .B (March 2009), Developing strategy through internal analysis, Principles of management and Organisational Behaviour, ,Retrived on 15th April 2010 from De Puget.G, 2003, French Accent Ryanair Slow on Emotion, Brandchannel, Retrieved on 11th April 2010 from Eerste. P de, (2008), Boeing 737-800 RyanAir Textures, Retrieved on 25th April 2010 from GRUNDY, T. (2006) Rethinking and reinventing Michael Porters five forces model. Strategic Change. Vol 15, No 5, August. pp213-229. Haberberg, A. and Rieple, A. (2001), The Strategic Management of Organizations, Essex: Pearson Education Limited. Johnson, G., Scholes, K. (1997). Exploring corporate strategy (4th ed.). London: Prentice Hall Johnson G, Sholes K, Whittington R, (2005) Exploring Corporate Strategy: text and cases 7th Edition, London: Prentice Hall Marivic.B, 2009,Ryanair financial objective, Thinking made easy, Retrieved on 11th April 2010 from Mun.J, (2008) Analysis of Ryanairs Competitive Advantages Business HYPERLINK Finance , Retrieved on 17th April 2010 from Porters five forces, Mind Tools retrieved on 12th April 2010 from Ryanair,Airfearsflights nd retrived on 10th April 2010 from Figure 1 8.0 Appendixes

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Flowers for Algernon :: essays research papers

Medical operations are carried out everyday, but for some, an operation can change a person's life. One experiment was done on a mentally retarded person to try to raise his intelligence. The experiment worked, but after months, the patient regressed dramatically. In the book, Flowers for Algernon,this intelligence operation was preformed, and the patient was Charlie Gordon. After the operation, Charlie was very bright, but experienced psychological traumas, loneliness, disillusionment, and social inadequacies. After his operation, he remembered every aspect of his childhood, whether it was good or bad. Charlie had dreams of how his mother was ashamed of him. Charlie's sister also ignored him. To her, Charlie was dumb and could not do anything. Charlie had dreams of his sister yelling at him and making fun of him. He also had memories of the night his parents took him to the Warren Home. He was terrified and his dad would never answer his questions. Charlie remembered his childhood and through his memories, he felt guilty for hurting his family. In the bakery he used to have friends. Friends that would talk to him and care about him. Charlie then realized that he had no friends but merely knew people that made fun of him. The bakery employees just liked him because they could blame their mistakes on Charlie. Then, they could not do this after the operation, so they all turned against Charlie. Charlie felt like an lab specimen. Charlie had lost his friends and knew now he was just a like a lab rat. veryday Charlie lost a piece of himself. He would become mad at people very quickly and then yell at them. People stayed away from him because he was becoming unpredictable. Charlie lost his job because he was to smart to work in a bakery. He could not interact with people he worked with and the people he met. The "Charlie" inside of himself emerged and started to regain control of his mind. All in all, Charlie suffered from the pain of not knowing how to d eal with his peers and decisions.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

How Do Casinos Guard Against Unethical Behavior Essay

A casino is type of facility which homes and accommodates certain kinds of gambling actions. Casinos are most generally constructed, combined, or near with restaurants, cruise ships, retail shopping, hotels, or various other attractive tourist places. There is also much arguing over whether or not the economic and social effects of casino gambling outweigh the early income that may be generated. And also a casino that upholds any law consistently is working ethically. If the law is no mid shoe entry, then that law applies to everybody, and imposed on everybody. If that law is only applied to certain group of actors for the casinos personal gluttonous causes then of course that is termed as unethical. By the establishment of state legal action must be taken in opposition to these casinos for the right to not be distinguished in opposition to for using our minds to improve ourselves. And, a business should not be permitted to charge some clients more for the similar product as well, particularly right in front of the two clients at the table. Casinos have all rights to be as profitable as possible and achievable, but not by cheating the particular public. Casinos are faced with various unethical problems nowadays. â€Å"The International Casino Conference (ICC) was created in 2009 by the European Casino Association, in partnership with Clarion Gaming, as a strategic platform for ECA’s members, the European and International casino community to meet and discuss, in an intimate format, solutions to key challenges faced by the industry in Europe† (International Casino Conference (ICC), n. d). Representatives from the various industry divisions (casino, online, arcades, TV etc. , the one of the most brightest minds and most powerful casino executives, as well as strategy representatives, supervisors and gaming authorities meet jointly to talk about the long-term vision of the business, the expansions of the marketplace, the upcoming changes in policy and the most significant strategic and regulatory problems having an impact on the casino business sector in Europe. Casinos around the earth face a real challenge in consistently recognizing undesirables, banned persons and self-excluders. These security and regulatory driven needs must function fficiently, yet should incorporate seamlessly into existing processes of the business in a method that origins minimum disruption to other clientele, or the business itself. Failure to precisely recognize these target groups can have an important fiscal impact on a casino, creating the right solution is a key constituent of the security toolkit. Unethical practices always create lots of problems in all area of concerns. Proper measures must be taken to overcome all these unethical practices in the Casino industry to continue working in a good manner. Visimetrics specialize or concentrate in the design, expansion and produce of high-performance recording systems of digital video, storage space and organization systems for audio and video surveillance. As a well recognized and extremely appreciated supplier to the casino segment, Visimetrics recognized the demand of these casino sector’s for a solution that would precisely and consistently recognize banned people, self-excluders and even VIPs. After a widespread marketplace trials and research, Visimetrics partnered with various types of face identification expert, Omni Perception. Omni Perception’s tactful and world-leading approach to recognizing non-compliant subject matters in any lighting circumstances and in real time made it the perfect solution for this atmosphere. â€Å"Omni Perception’s live facial recognition solution was simple to install, easy to use and gave great results. All the staff at the casino was impressed by its ability to recognize subjects, even non-compliant ones, in the near-dark environment of the gaming floor. Visimetrics have been consistently impressed with the performance of Omni Perception in what was a very testing environment. (Case Study: Real-Time Facial Surveillance – Casinos, 2012). Addiction to gambling can be as great of a trouble as alcoholism or drug addiction The current increase in popularity and attractiveness of online gambling, casino gambling, and gambling to lift funds for charitable associations poses many ethical and social issues. Gambling and the accessibility of gambling chances in the community lift special troubles for someone stressed with the addiction. â€Å"The simulation involves running a complete business consisting of three types of casino – a basic gaming club, a more up market gaming club and a top of the market casino. Decisions cover marketing (customer incentives and promotion), finance (bank loans) and casino operations (resourcing and quality improvement). So, it is especially suited to help participants appreciate the general management of a complete business, its main functions, and how they interact† (The Challenge Series, 1999). Technology has facilitated law enforcement to react more rapidly to calls for all the service, make use of more superior non-lethal compliance utensils, and make use of the Internet to battle crime. The basis of ethical practices and performances is mainly based on the Fourth alteration of the Constitution that has been supplemented by the courts of the US delivering judgments that influence the use of various types of technology by law enforcement administrators and officers. Ethics is the capability to create a distinctive alternative among what is wrong and what is right. Officers of the Law enforcement make use of their discretion when the advantage of community outweighs the letter of the law. â€Å"When it comes to technology, there is no „technology ethics? just ethical situations that involve technology (Kallman & Grillo, 1993, p. 3). Technology allows unethical acts to be facilitated faster than before and can be more difficult to detect. Although most ethical values are learned throughout childhood, other ethical values are guided by laws and customs based on the ethical values that are reflected by society’s expectation of behavior† (Savannah, 2012). An officer of the law enforcement experiences disagreement when his/her individuals ethical approaches contradicts and are different with an existing rule or law. It is a sad fact that the workers of just about all businesses will infrequently encounter group members who are receiving part in unethical behaviors. Such unethical behaviors actions consist of a large diversity of different activities. Along with the most general unethical behaviors of the business of workers are creating long-distance calls on company lines, duplicating software for make use of at house, falsify the amount of hours worked, or much more grave and unlawful practices, such as embezzling cash from the business, or faking business records. Like most entertainment projects, casinos provide a work environment that is generally welcoming and fun to be around. So our partnerships with tribal leaders, local communities, architects and designers have dealt us a hand that even the sharpest of card sharks would hold on to† (Coast to Coast, 2008). Casinos have two common aims: enlarging the length of maintains for on-site visitors, and lengthening the appeal with the intention of enlarges the potential marketplace. Many casinos suggest complimentary services and commodities known as â€Å"comps†. Comps can consist of objects for example caps, buffet, and T-shirts for the low-end group of actors, up to dinners, transportation, and hotel accommodation for the higher-end group of actors. The area recognized as the casino cage functions as the fiscal center of the process. It maintains an accountability of the chips, tokens, and cash that are used in order to fund the casino’s operations. Business ethics are ethical values and codes that determine conduct in the company world. It denotes to commercial actions, either with other business homes or with a single consumer. They can be applied to every facet of company; from generation of a thought to its sale. Businesses make use of the community for its functioning and resources, thereby obliging it to the wellbeing of the society. While the aim of any company is to create profits, it must contribute to the interest and wellbeing of the community by guaranteeing fair practices. On the other hand, gluttony has led the present company scenario in the directions of unethical practices of the business, lawful complications and common mistrust. The financial division is abuzz with acts of infringement of norms to accumulate riches in an unethical manner. Following are some of the actions that come in the ambit of unethical practice. * â€Å"Resorting to dishonesty, trickery or deception. * Distortion of facts to mislead or confuse. * Manipulating people emotionally by exploiting their vulnerabilities. * Greed to amass excessive profit. * Creation of false documents to show increased profits. * Avoiding penalty or compensation for unlawful act. * Lack of transparency and resistance to investigation. Harming the environment by exceeding the government prescribed norms for pollution. * Invasion of privacy used as leverage, for obtaining personal or professional gains. * Sexual discrimination† (Ethical and Unethical Business Practices, 2000). Speaking to unethical practices and behavior is necessary to maintain an ethical atmosphere in an organization. Integration of ethical customs and conduct into every levels of the business can be done in the following methods. * Codes of business ethics must be formulated so that workers are conscious of the organization’s anticipations concerning ethical conduct and norms. An appeal procedure should be in place so that any unethical performances can be brought into light. * Seminars on company ethics must be conducted for workers. This will assist them in understanding the significance of ethical work customs. * Compliance officers should be appointed to stay a check on deception, bribery, and abuse in the company. * To encourage ethical actions, performance organization schemes of the organization should be modified to integrate ethical actions as a parameter for assessment and rewards. Business houses that obey with ethics to decide their carry out are shrinking in number. The lack of company ethics in the marketplace is a big cause to worry. Organizations now identify the positive results and effects of being ethical, considerate and humane. They have a competitive border in the marketplace, for the reason that of the honesty they demonstrate in their services. Their ethically upright reputation gives attention on better employees and assists in retention. Although ethics are lawfully binding in the majority cases, self- examining, clearness and answerability will go a long way in establishing belief of the citizens. In addition this, it creates sense to modify, previous to you are penalized. â€Å"Some unethical acts can also be illegal. For example, an employee who has access to a company’s financial records, such as a bookkeeper or accountant, could use her access and expertise to embezzle company funds. An employee having access to personnel files, such as a human resources representative, could commit identity theft and use employees’ Social Security numbers to raid bank accounts or fraudulently obtain credit cards† (Joseph, 2012).

Friday, November 8, 2019

My Work Experience         For my work experience I went to

My Work Experience   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For my work experience I went to My Work Experience ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ For my work experience I went to Vokes Hair Studio in Northampton. It was my own placement. I chose that particular place because I thought it looked nice and also thought it was what I wanted to do. My friend works there so she managed to sort out all the forms for me, which was very nice of her and also organised my transportation to and from work.ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ I went in on a Saturday for my interview with the manager and owner of Vokes (Colin Vokes). I was extremely scared but once I met him I was alright. I was told that I could only wear black, white or red clothing and only shoes were allowed. My hours were 9am to 5:30pm with 45 minutes lunch break.ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ On the very first morning I went in with my friend and I was not worried as I had already met the staff before.I was shown what I would be required to do during the 2 weeks. I learnt how to wash hair, which was more fun than I had expected and learnt all the different stages in hairdressing. When the salon was not very busy I learnt how to style hair on the dummy heads. Sometimes I helped with perms, which I loved doing. I enjoyed learning and found nothing boring whatsoever.ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ I worked in a very clean, pleasant surrounding and the staff were very welcoming towards me. They made me feel like an adult, not a school girl. At lunch times I was invited to go out socializing with the staff. Sometimes my brother and all his college friends would come and meet me, which I enjoyed as I think they are all very funny.ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ à ‚Æ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ In the 2 weeks I never actually worked with Colin because he was on holiday so there was some rule bending. We would all have a McDonalds breakfast in the morning, which would have been not allowed.ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ There are many differences between work and school. I thought school was hard but as soon as you experience the real world, school is a whole different place. I now look at school as the best years I will probably have, so now I am making the most of it. However, the way you are treated at work is much better than at school. You are respected more and treated the same as an adult. This made me feel important and as if I made a difference to the company, which I was told I did.ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ' ‚‚ I did like work experience by the end of the 2 weeks, even though it was hard. It has changed my attitude. The first day and the last day were completely different. I was confused the first day and was standing about most of the time but the last few days I felt comfortable to find something to do.ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ ÂÆ'‚‚ IÂÆ' ¢Ã‚‚€‚™m very grateful for being able to go on this experience and thank all the people that helped me. I was offered a job there on Saturdays and for when I leave school so I will take that into consideration.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

International Law and morality essays

International Law and morality essays How Many times as a citizen of this great nation does one hear, I wish America would take care of its problems at home and not everybody elses problems. This attitude leads to ideas such as, International law and morality has nothing to do with me and my family. However, it is said no man is an island, and no country is an island to be left alone. Therefore, as the world becomes a smaller place, the importance of international law, and morality must increase. In order to understand the importance of international law, one must understand what is international law. International law is, The body of legal rules that apply between sovereign states and other entities having international personality (Britannica). International law has come about because nations feel the need to live together peacefully. However, it has its roots in each countrys self-interest, and there is no international law enforcing body. Each state has to adhere to the laws through cooperation. Also, some states have put international law into their jurisdictions. International law has come about by three processes, international customary law, treaties, and general principles of law. Customary law is sovereignty, recognition, consent, good faith, freedom of the sea, international responsibility, and self-defense among the states. Treaties help to form international law. Treaties are legally binding and may declare, change, or develop existing international law. There are some very important international rules controlled by treaties. Some of these important aspects of treaties are: diplomatic law, immunity, protection of nationals abroad, freedom of commerce, and succession to international rights and obligations. Also, large international organizations help form international law. Organizations such as United Nations play an important role in the development international law. They modify by consent rules o...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Employee Selection and Performance Appraisal Essay

Employee Selection and Performance Appraisal - Essay Example Organizational operations, in both profit making and ‘non-profit’ making enterprises, require evaluation for reconciliation with set objectives as well as for comparison with operations with other enterprises in a similar industry. Assessment is the process of evaluating a subject, which can be a process, in order to ascertain its potential or quality. Management on the other hand refers to the act or responsibility of controlling people or activities. Assessment and management are therefore critical elements in the life of an organization. This paper seeks to discuss performance assessment and management of McDonalds Company. The paper will explore the established culture of employee selection and appraisal criteria that McDonalds applies in its human resource management. The paper will, with this respect, offer an overview of McDonalds human resource practices in employee selection and appraisal initiatives and then further analyze the processes. McDonalds is a multinational company that operates in a number of cultures across the world. Its human resource management is however converged to a uniform culture. With an overall workforce of more than thirty thousand employees, McDonalds has its personnel management strategies incorporated in its core objectives. In order to achieve its goal of being the best service provider in the food industry, the company’s ensures that it has a diversified cultural base with excellent employee management. McDonalds has a broad based approach in selecting its employees. This includes a special consideration to disabled people who may have some specialized capacity to service delivery. The company has also adopted a universal program for handling older employees more than 55 years of age that follows a criterion of being fair and ‘non-discriminatory’. It has therefore been open to different categories of cultured workforce. As far as recruiting is concerned, the company relies on the

Friday, November 1, 2019

Strategic Management in the Financial Crisis Essay

Strategic Management in the Financial Crisis - Essay Example The study Strategic Management in the Financial Crisis explores the period of the great credit crisis that first had a toll on the United States’ financial sector before other parts of the globe had its impact. This may have been because of various issues of failure within companies that even made them fail to meet targets before the financial crisis period. With the resource utilization reaching the maximum limits compounded further by a relatively high wage rate, most enterprises were feeling the pinch in the reduction of their rates of return. The widening of international trade and the strengthening of global capital flows have led to a significant rise in cross-border assets and liabilities, as well as to financial linkages across countries and regions. The key implications of such developments have been a wider spread of shocks and stronger co-movements in macroeconomic variables. There are various issues that have been raised and a major one has been that of the failure of corporate governance as shall be discussed in the paper. It is clear that good corporate governance actually operates effectively in two distinct areas which may include measures put in place to guard against opportunistic or conflicted behaviour by financial technocrats with aims of maximizing wealth. According to good management principles, corporate governance best practice is important and essential for the protection of shareholders and other stakeholders against the often conflicting interests of dealers in the financial sector. Blundell-Wignall et al (2009) point out the need to clarify the responsibilities of regulatory institutions and to restore confidence in the integrity of financial institutions. Independent audits of financial statements provide a check against fraud, and a verified overview of financial evolution of the business. Blundell-Wignall et al (2009) also state that considerable flexibility should be envisaged as regards liquidity management. Quantitative measures and indicators should be integrated into the process in proportion to the degree that they are robust and operational. There is an overall bias in many countries' tax systems which work to encourage corporate leverage. The interface between tax, leverage and excess risk taking is complex. Blundell-Wignall et al. note that the US approach shares the risks of buying toxic assets between the taxpayers and investors creates buyer demand and prevents dumping of assets that would prolong the crisis phase, and is an open-market approach. It is important to foster corporate structures that enhance both stability and competition. The complexity of some corporate groups has been identified in both governance and risk control issues. As a

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Comparative Analysis of Poetry Gwendolyn Brooks WE REAL COOL & Maya Essay

Comparative Analysis of Poetry Gwendolyn Brooks WE REAL COOL & Maya Angelou Phenomenal Women - Essay Example Gwendolyn Brooks and Maya Angelou are African-American women with strong personalities. The most dominant theme in Brooks works are the impact of ethnicity and life experiences on one's view of life. Angelou's, on the other hand, usually center on the themes of courage, perseverance, self-acceptance, and realization of one's full potential. "We Real Cool" depicts the climactic end of the battle of seven school dropouts and their struggles with personal identity. In this poem, Brooks speaks and feels for the seven school drop outs and sees the world through their eyes. The unfettered young men, though seemingly not concerned of their situation, as described in the first seven lines eventually turned out to have known the consequence of their actions. "At first, it seems like it is inadvertent, even an unguarded revelation but I think that both the poet and her hooligan narrator realize that the threat of death in the streets is an ever-present part of what makes life on the streets worthwhile. It's what gives that life vitality."1 There is no separation in the part of the writer and the characters. The writer speaks on behalf of the seven school drop outs. Perhaps, even feeling the uncertainties in their actions camouflaged by being "cool." Emphasizing it's tragic effect in the last line, "Die Soon." "Phenomenal Woman," on the other hand, describes a self-assured woman who has fully realized her self-worth that both sexes: "pretty women and men" did not fail to notice her existence. The words Maya Angelou uses show that the character is conscious of her actions and is in total control of the situation. There are no hesitancies on the part portrayed by the "phenomenal woman" in the poem. Only a self-assured "person". Notice the emphasis on the word "person." The character becomes phenomenal not because she IS a woman but simply because she has a full grasp of what she is and what she is not. A person created with equal importance with man. Not of lesser quality that she should worship him nor above him that she should lord over him, but a person that would complete the all of creation. For what is a woman, without a man and a man without a woman.. In conclusion, these works present the following: 1) male-female differences through the eyes of a woman; 2) employed rhythmic rhyming scheme with 3) pleasant tone ( lyrical: a feeling of dancing: Angelou's smooth, brooks' short but strong) in the use of 4) informal language (simple, crisp and powerful) which 5) appeals to the emotion (both are written based on what the writers feel) portraying the characters linked with a woman. The camouflage that a first

Monday, October 28, 2019

Virtual Lab Report Template Essay Example for Free

Virtual Lab Report Template Essay In this virtual lab activity, you will be observing the cell cycle in the tip of an onion root. The root tip is responsible for the downward growth of the root and is one of the regions in the plant where cells are actively dividing and growing. Because of this, the root tip is an excellent system in which to observe the entire cell cycle, including the processes of nuclear division (mitosis) and cell division (cytokinesis). You will be submitting a lab report as the assignment for this lesson. Be sure to read the instructions before completing the virtual lab activity and your lab report. Refer to the lab rubric before you submit your report to your instructor. Record any observations about the cells you observed: Data Analysis: Calculate the percentage of the cell cycle spent in each stage. Number of cells in given stage ? total number of cells counted ? 100 = % of the cell cycle spent in this stage Create a graph that represents the time spent in each stage of the cell cycle. Graph: Conclusion: Be sure to answer the following reflection questions in the conclusion of your lab report: 1 Based on your data, what can you infer about the length of time spent in each stage of mitosis? 2 What stages were the longest and shortest? Give a brief explanation of why these stages may have that time period. 3 What is a distinguishing visible feature of each stage of the cell cycle? 4 What differences can you see when you compare the nucleus of a dividing cell with that of a non-dividing cell? 5 If your observation had not been restricted to the tip of the onion root, how would the results be different?

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Karl Marxs The Communist Manifesto Essay -- Communist Manifesto Essays

Karl Marx's The Communist Manifesto The Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels formulates the basic concepts of Communism. Faith and reason can be used to explain parts of this document. The Communist Manifesto has definite views dealing with faith, and along with this, religion. In the Manifesto, Marx states that religion is not needed in Communism because a society under Communism is classless. Marx uses reason to explain what will happen to society due to the materialism of the Industrial Revolution. Marx reasons how society will become classless under the rule of communism. The proletariat, defined as the lower working class, will take over the bourgeoisie, defined as the upper class, because of the difference in capital between the two classes. The two classes clash because both are consumed with wants of material items and power but only the bourgeoisie has an abundance of these two items. The proletariat then revolts to gain equality and thus society becomes classless. Faith and reaso n are themes used in the Communist Manifesto to explain the ideals and concepts of Communism. Marx perceives religion as gratuitous in communism. Marx’s reaction toward religion is quite evident in just the second sentence: "All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this specter [communism]; Pope and Czar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies."1 Marx sees the Pope as an enemy therefore religion must be an enemy of Marx’s. In the Manifesto, Marx even sarcastically comments on the Catholic religion by calling the lives of the Saints silly.2 This reflects some of Marx’s views on religion that he displayed in the Manifesto. He has two main reasons ... ...o to explain his ideas of religion and society. Notes 1. Marx, Karl, The Communist Manifesto. Sources from the Humanities History and Religious Studies, 37. 2. Marx, 56. 3. Marx, 40. 4. Mckown, Delos B, The Classical Marxist Critiques of Religion: Marx, Engels, Lenin, Kautsky. Belgium: Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1975, 58. 5. Marx, 52. 6. Janz, Denis R, World Christianity and Marxism. Oxford, NY: Oxford University Press, 1998, 11. 7. Janz, 11 8. Heimann, Eduard, Reason and Faith in Modern Society: Liberalism, Marxism, and Democracy. Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press, 1961, 154. 9. Miller, Alexander, The Christian Significance of Karl Marx. London: Northumberland Press, 1946, 21. 10. Marx, 40. 11. Miller, 26. 12. Miller, 27. 13. Marx, 22-23. 14. Marx, 28-29.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Free College Essays - The Setting of Venice in Shakespeares Othello :: GCSE Coursework Shakespeare Othello

The Setting of Venice in Othello Othello is a fundamentally different character to all others in the play [1]. He is an outsider to Venice and therefore an outsider to the customs and society of Venice. In one way this is good for him. He is a renowned strong general who is much in demand from the Venetians. Rather than fight the war against the Turks for themselves, they hire Othello to do so, indicating that he is respected by the Venetians but not considered, as a civilized Venetian would be, above having to fight wars barbarically. This lack of cultural acceptance is indicated by the way Brabantio is willing to Îloveâ, invite to his house and ask him to tell battle stories. However, when there is the possibility of Desdemona marrying Othello, Brabantio is vehemently opposed, exclaiming; "Destruction on my head".[2] Venice is a haven of civilization, on the border with the land of heathenism and disputes. When Brabantio is told he has been robbed, he answers inconsistently; "What tellâst thou me of robbing? This is Venice; My house is not a grange." This not only shows that Venice is a quiet, civilized, uneventful place, but that its inhabitants (or at least Brabantioâs generation) believe it to be themselves.[ LINK TO 3] They live by a code of behavior and upbringing which views someone like Othello as barbarous, uncivilized, and almost amusing in a superior cultural kind of way. Every time a character calls Othello "the Moor" a sense of derision and superiority is conveyed and all the other feelings of distance inherent in Venetians.[4] Iago says that Desdemona is a "supersubtle Venetian"[5] as if the calculatedness of her thoughts and deeds were not too a feature of himself, which they certainly are. The implication is that civilised people are conniving and scheming people, and are in that sense understood to one another while this adds to the irony of the constant reference to Iago as "honest Iago". It also contrasts the Venetian way of social dealing with the open nature of Othello. Othello is clever, as his style and military prowess show but is to content of Venice he is na†¢ve. He is too trusting and misunderstands the subtleties of Venetian society it is the combination of his openness and decisiveness, pride and trustfulness that allows super subtle Iago to destroy him, powerful as Othello is. Free College Essays - The Setting of Venice in Shakespeare's Othello :: GCSE Coursework Shakespeare Othello The Setting of Venice in Othello Othello is a fundamentally different character to all others in the play [1]. He is an outsider to Venice and therefore an outsider to the customs and society of Venice. In one way this is good for him. He is a renowned strong general who is much in demand from the Venetians. Rather than fight the war against the Turks for themselves, they hire Othello to do so, indicating that he is respected by the Venetians but not considered, as a civilized Venetian would be, above having to fight wars barbarically. This lack of cultural acceptance is indicated by the way Brabantio is willing to Îloveâ, invite to his house and ask him to tell battle stories. However, when there is the possibility of Desdemona marrying Othello, Brabantio is vehemently opposed, exclaiming; "Destruction on my head".[2] Venice is a haven of civilization, on the border with the land of heathenism and disputes. When Brabantio is told he has been robbed, he answers inconsistently; "What tellâst thou me of robbing? This is Venice; My house is not a grange." This not only shows that Venice is a quiet, civilized, uneventful place, but that its inhabitants (or at least Brabantioâs generation) believe it to be themselves.[ LINK TO 3] They live by a code of behavior and upbringing which views someone like Othello as barbarous, uncivilized, and almost amusing in a superior cultural kind of way. Every time a character calls Othello "the Moor" a sense of derision and superiority is conveyed and all the other feelings of distance inherent in Venetians.[4] Iago says that Desdemona is a "supersubtle Venetian"[5] as if the calculatedness of her thoughts and deeds were not too a feature of himself, which they certainly are. The implication is that civilised people are conniving and scheming people, and are in that sense understood to one another while this adds to the irony of the constant reference to Iago as "honest Iago". It also contrasts the Venetian way of social dealing with the open nature of Othello. Othello is clever, as his style and military prowess show but is to content of Venice he is na†¢ve. He is too trusting and misunderstands the subtleties of Venetian society it is the combination of his openness and decisiveness, pride and trustfulness that allows super subtle Iago to destroy him, powerful as Othello is.