Sunday, December 29, 2019

Women s Care Of Babies - 937 Words

Men go to work. Women take care of babies. Women are far too fragile and dimwitted to ever have a real job. Men are responsible and intelligent so they have to support the family. Women have no idea how to run a business or change a tire, so they take care of babies. Men couldn’t possibly change a diaper or cook dinner, so they go to work. Men go to work. Women take care of babies. In a perfect world, this is how our society perceives marriage. But what if this isn’t the case? Well, welcome to the real world. Defying all gender stereotyping odds, my mother succeeded in raising two children while excelling in her career, without the help from a man. My mother encountered a multitude of obstacles along the way, yet she shielded her children’s feelings and concealed the hardships that appeared along the journey of motherhood. As I have matured, I have begun to sympathize with my mother, as well as other single parents, for the unimaginable difficulties that she had to endure in order to ensure success parenting. Parenting is real work, and it is arduous work, nonetheless. As a child, my father was appointed vice president at an incredibly high-end company, so we never had to worry about money. My father insisted that my mother never had to get a â€Å"real job†, so her only job was to take care of my brother and I. Unfortunately for her, I caught an infection that attacked my organs and resulted in the death of one of my kidneys. Consequently, I required around the clock care andShow MoreRelatedAsian Culture s Child Bearing Practices1225 Words   |  5 PagesCulture s child bearing practices. The Chinese practice differently than the Western Society. The Chinese Culture is very interesting and some of what they practice is interesting. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Media And Its Effects On The Media Essay - 2006 Words

In modern societies, the availability of information is vital to better decision making by voters, consumers, and investors. Much of that information is provided by the media, such as newspapers, television, and radio, which collect information and make it available to the public. As Americans, we trust what reporters write in the newspaper, and say on television and radio stations. Although we expect them to report the truth, current media outlets distort thier stories and give certain news reports disproportionate attention. The most important stories are often never seen on Television, read in the newspaper, or heard on the radio stations, while minor and trivial stories get the most news coverage. Hence celebrity engagements, divorce, entrance in rehabilitation centers and DUI cases are sold to the media and then regurgitated to us Americans which are left with inconsequential information. The media actually makes sure to feed us distracting information to keep us from the truth and avoid social movements that can highly affect the â€Å"one percent† of the USA. Mainstream media has the power to misinform the public therefore becoming in a way a social movement against public spheres and social movements created by the ‘99%’ with the sole purpose of controlling the public power. Social movements come and go, representing all political beliefs, and aim to achieve their political objectives by impelling a particular target group’s opinion. Some groups reach out directly toShow MoreRelatedMedia Effects On The Media Essay1273 Words   |  6 Pagesby the media whether we think we are or not. Theorists believe that too much media exposure can lead to knowledge, attitudes or behavioural changes within a society, this is called ‘media effects’ (Kuehn, â€Å"Media Effects†). These media effects consists of several Paradigms, a Paradigm is described as â€Å"a typical pattern or model† (Kuehn, â€Å"Media Effects†). The Paradigms this essay will consist of are called the ‘New Effects Paradigm’ and the ‘Powerful Effects Paradigm’. The New Effects ParadigmRead MoreThe Effects Of Media On The Media1466 Words   |  6 PagesIn every woman’s life, the media holds a strong influence on how she views herself. Whether it be a celebrity’s secret anti-aging cream, at-home workout plan, or new clothing line, women look towards the media to impact their decisions on their appearance. Although positive effects can come from letting advertisements guide one’s judgement, sometimes false advertisements can have a negative impact on how a woman perceives herself. People in charge of commercials, magazines, and other ads distortRead MoreThe Effects Of Media On The Media1402 Words   |  6 Pagesday, when the media or movies showed a hint or a dash of blood, the reaction of the average person was shock and disgust at the blood and gore shown. These scenes and clips shown have become more and more extreme over the years to the level of being hazardous to society. Even in the videogame industry, certain scenes that may have caused outrage and commotion fifteen years ago are now seen as childish and may even be considered as humorous. To put it candidly, most of the mass media has been usedRead MoreThe Effects Of Media On The Media1564 Words   |  7 Pagesimmune to the backlash from risky advertisement. In a day and age when it seems like anything goes, a simple commercial sparked a nationwide controversy. While the issue at hand may be about race, the following analysis will show that in any piece of media we could pick all day long at the potentially politically incorrect content within. While none of these other issues may have been noticed or addressed, the company was faced with the dilemma of continuing to air the content. One side always has toRead MoreEffects Of Mass Media On The Media781 Words   |  4 Pages Effects of Mass Media Pauline Rewis HUM/186 October 19, 2015 Allyson Wells Effects of Mass Media In this day and age, most anyone can find out just about anything, on any subject, at any time with just a few clicks of a button. The act of gathering information used to be a much more tedious and physical endeavor. However, these days it can be done with ease thanks to the enormous developments in mass media distribution over the last century. The major mode of information distributionRead MoreThe News Media And The Effects Of The News Media726 Words   |  3 PagesEffects of News Media Michael Green HUM/186 08/07/2017 Allyson Wells Effects of News Media The effects or the news media in today’s culture is tremendous. We use the news media not only to stay informed, but also as a way among many Americans to form an opinion about certain topics in today’s world. This information is provided to us through the use of sources such as television news, radio and more and more the internet. These forms of information find themselves in a constant and perpetualRead MoreThe Effects Of Media Violence On The Media Essay1111 Words   |  5 PagesThe media has become one of the main sources where people obtain their information from. This information can be taken in knowingly, or through subliminal messages. The media like magazines, videos, commercials, television shows, and movies. Since, media has major influence over the public; violence being portrayed in the media is causing problems. Violence against women in the media has been happening for decades. The violence has been taking shape in many forms, as in emotional and phy sical violenceRead MoreThe Effects Of Social Media On The Media960 Words   |  4 Pagespersonality trait. Media use. A self-assessment survey, the Media Multitasking Index (Ophir et al., 2009) will be used to measure overall media consumption and media multitasking. However, it will be slightly modified to assess electronic media use only. The original questionnaire included print media, which is not hypothesized to inhibit emotional regulation. Additionally, the original measures did not contain the use of social networking sites, which will be replacing â€Å"print media.† These changesRead MoreThe Negative Effects Of Media Violence In The Media754 Words   |  4 Pagesthe media, I noticed that many violent images in the media such as movies, videogames, and music have inspired people to commit large amounts of violent acts, such as committing assaults and murders. It is proven that children can he affected by the violence in media, when they are at a small age. When adults, some can be more aggressive than others, and some may commit more crimes than others. Over 1,000 case studies have proven that media violence can have negative effects on childrenRead MoreThe Effects Of Media On The Media Influences Viewers1587 Words   |  7 PagesRacial Bias in the Media Influences Viewers Television reaches more consumers for more time than any other source of media. Its use for entertainment or news is overly influential, persuasive, and authoritative. Through these characteristics, any type of information or message influences its massive audience. Because of this, what Americans see – or fail to see- has a powerful impact on how they view other races. Young children are especially vulnerable to the information they are exposed to. TV

Friday, December 13, 2019

Spring Jazz Band Concert Report Free Essays

On Friday, April 29, 2011, I went to see Spring Jazz Concert at Sophia B. Clarke Theater. Most of performers have great instrument skill and show us a wonderful music. We will write a custom essay sample on Spring Jazz Band Concert Report or any similar topic only for you Order Now Each movement highlights the character, range, and technical abilities of an individual instrument, all of pieces stand on their own as intricate musical gems. The show was divided for two parts, and they have different sections on those two parts. During the concert, we would hear different music programs by playing in different music instruments such as saxophones, trumpets, trombones, drums, bass, guitar, and piano. Each performer represents different music instruments. On the first parts of the concert, there were three songs. In conclusion, I enjoyed this concert very much because the music in this concert was very nice. In my opinion, I had totally different feelings between I listened music in the concert and at home, and the atmosphere of concert was awesome. Besides the music, I had deep impression in the performers; every performers in the concert had much passion when they were performing. In my opinion, because of their wonderful performance, I could hear such nice music. Also, everyone in the concert was polite. Every times when conductor came to the stage or the song was end, almost every audience stood up and applauded to the performers, the applause lasted for a pretty long time. At that time, I felt so good. All in all, I really enjoyed this concert. The tone color of most of the jazz bands that I saw was smooth and inviting. This made the bands easier to listen to. They were polyphonic in structure, where all of the different instruments were playing different melodies. The rhythm that was used was in a quadruple meter. This was true for all of the bands. The only thing that I wished would have happened was that there would have been more improvisation instead of reading from sheet music. They were very structured in that way. How to cite Spring Jazz Band Concert Report, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Meal Food - Families and the Market

Question: Discuss about the case study Meal for Food, Families and the Market. Answer: Competitor Name Maggi Koka Nissin Position strategy Maggie has positioned itself as the the 2-minutes noodles (Ekstrm, 2016). In the view of the customers, it is easy to cook and good to eat. It reinforces the health focus It has positioned itself as noodles with soup for kids to give satisfaction the hunger pangs in between the meals The communication of brand focuses on the situations in which the children demand something to consume prior to having dinner The communication of brand focuses on the situations in which the children demand something to consume prior to having dinner It has positioned itself and has created a unique position (Ekstrm, 2016). Koka is positioned to offer high quality without compromising the taste and convenience. It offers popular local flavours like Satay and Laska. It has positioned its products as healthy instant noodles and has a hope of attracting the noodle eaters who are health conscious They aim to provide the new forms of experience for the consumers who purchase the noodles manufactured by their company It has positioned itself as a healthy brand as it not includes Mono Sodium Glutamate (MSG) (Jobber Ellis-Chadwick, 2012). After Maggie, the next brand which arrived in the market is Nissin (Hollensen, 2015). It has positioned itself and has created a unique position This brand has adopted the attribute of a product based positioning and has also highlighted its products It has positioned itself as noodles with soup for kids to give satisfaction the hunger pangs in between the meals The communication of brand focuses on the situations in which the children demand something to consume prior to having dinner It reinforces the health focus It has positioned its products as healthy instant noodles and has a hope of attracting the noodle eaters who are health conscious (Boone Kurtz, 2013). Differentiation strategy It employs the differentiation strategy related to the forms, features, quality, performance, reliability, durability, reparability, design and style as well as service. It had opened a complete new market for instant noodles Its campaigns of advertising are used as tools for creating market differentiation (Kotler et al., 2015) The precept of health has been one big way to create differentiation in the market Its campaigns of advertising are used as tools for creating market differentiation (Boone Kurtz, 2013). It had opened a complete new market for instant noodles (Jobber Ellis-Chadwick, 2012). It employs the differentiation strategy related to the forms, features, quality, performance, reliability, durability, reparability, design and style as well as service. It had opened a complete new market for instant noodles (De Mooij, 2013). Pricing Strategy The initial strategy of pricing was low in order to make the products reasonably priced (De Mooij, 2013). It comes in reasonable prices starting from rupees five Instead of increasing the prices, it has reduced the quantity It also analyzes the cost, products and prices of its competitors It sets lesser prices for boosting the market share as it can gain the profits of a long-term basis It sometimes reduces the prices of its products for promotion (Czinkota Ronkainen, 2013). It analyzes the cost, products and prices of its competitors It sets lesser prices for boosting the market share as it can gain the profits of a long-term basis The initial strategy of pricing was low in order to make the products reasonably priced Instead of increasing the prices, it has reduced the quantity It sometimes reduces the prices of its products for promotion It also analyzes the cost, products and prices of its competitors The cheap price of Nissin can meet the objectives of pricing It sometimes reduces the prices of its products for promotion It sets lesser prices for boosting the market share as it can gain the profits of a long-term basis It also analyzes the cost, products and prices of its competitors This food company sometimes reduce its prices because it considers the lower price of its competitors and it gives a response to the changes of prices (Rosenbloom, 2012). Distribution strategy The distribution network of Maggi is well spread in almost all parts of the world It is readily available in grocery stores , and retail shops Its distribution has become more intensive and it has adopted a variety of programmes in order to encourage its products over its competitors in the global market The distribution of Maggi products is carried out intensively by means of several ways such as : Supermarket Grocery shops Convenience Stores The customers can also the buy its products from anywhere at anytime (Armstrong et al., 2014). The relationship between the sales volume and place of distribution is very close. It is readily available in grocery stores , and retail shops Its distribution has become more intensive and it has adopted a variety of programmes in order to encourage its products over its competitors in the global market (Armstrong et al., 2014). The distribution of Nissin products is carried out intensively by means of several ways such as : Supermarket Grocery shops Convenience Stores Vending machine The customers can also the buy its products from anywhere at anytime The relationship between the sales volume and place of distribution is very close Its distribution has become more intensive and it has adopted a variety of programmes in order to encourage its products over its competitors in the global market Promotional Strategy The products of Maggie are promoted by: Distribution of free samples Effective communication of the tagline Different sizes s Maggie e.g. 200 gms, 100 gms, 50 gms etc. Giving gifts on returning the empty packets Wet sampling (Distribution of cooked Maggie)and Dry sampling (distribution of Maggie packets) Sponsoring several events of children Spending huge amount on the electronic as well as printing media advertisements The company does promotions by providing the free samples It s now targeting the products at the entire level of family and not only the children (Armstrong et al., 2012). It is observed as an innovator in the market in terms of processing the noodles It utilizes the technology of cooking by means of steam and air drying Its purple wheat noodles are very much popular and is in high demand by the public It is also recognized as an environment friend brand since it prefers to utilize the recycled materials Spending huge amount on the electronic as well as printing media advertisements The company offers a variety of flavours (De Mooij, 2013). The company offers a variety of flavours such as mushroom, chicken, chilli crab, laksa and tom yam seafood. The packet noodles comprise of different types such as dry, semi-dry and soups. Nissin foods has been discovered to be win the challenge of the world campaign and it has a tie up with the Manchester United The agreement on global partnership with the Manchester United is intended to offer a big scope for expanding the Nissin instant noodles The company does promotions by providing the free samples Spending huge amount on the electronic as well as printing media advertisements References Armstrong, G., Adam, S., Denize, S., Kotler, P. (2014).Principles of marketing. Pearson Australia. Armstrong, G., Kotler, P., Harker, M., Brennan, R. (2012).Marketing: an introduction. Pearson Prentice-Hall, London. Boone, L. E., Kurtz, D. L. (2013).Contemporary marketing. Cengage learning. Czinkota, M. R., Ronkainen, I. A. (2013).International marketing. Cengage Learning. De Mooij, M. (2013).Global marketing and advertising: Understanding cultural paradoxes. Sage Publications. Ekstrm, K. (2016). 5 The multi-cultural food market.The Practice of the Meal: Food, Families and the Market Place,10, 57. Hollensen, S. (2015).Marketing management: A relationship approach. Pearson Education. Jobber, D., Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2012).Principles and practice of marketing(No. 7th). McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Kotler, P., Burton, S., Deans, K., Brown, L., Armstrong, G. (2015).Marketing. Pearson Higher Education AU. Rosenbloom, B. (2012).Marketing channels. Cengage Learning.