Sunday, March 15, 2020

If I was the President essays

If I was the President essays I am the President of the United States, the figurehead of the American people, all decisions go through me, I answer to none other than God, except maybe the senate, the house, and the American people. I am the leader of the greatest country known to man, that has, over a two centuries, cast off oppression, and crushed tyranny. A Nation that strove through a great depression, defeated an assault of evil, and gave its blood in hopes of freedom and democracy. Yet, even now people sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf. (George Orwell) Recently a vacancy occurred within the Supreme Court. The highest court of the land, granted that cherished yet hated power of judicial review. The ability to declare laws or amendments unconstitutional. Now I must appoint a new justice, worthy of this great honor. One who will uphold the true intent of the constitution, the document that with the help of God has held this Nation together through all the oppression, tyranny, depression, evil, and bloodshed. One who will not change or adapt with the times, one who will not be easily entangled by the sin that surrounds this country. First, I must create a set criterion for the candidates eligible for the appointment. This would include all things that I as the President would want in a Supreme Court Justice. I would want to know everything I could about my appointees, medical records, voting records, credit records, everything. To obtain this knowledge I would use the best investigative tool our Nation has, the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Other things of interest about the candidates I would want to know would be legal records. What kind of cases have they handled, what were there rulings? Things that I would shy away from would be party influence. In no way would I let myself be influenced by my affiliated party. Of course, one must consider that if the...

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