Sunday, October 20, 2019

Crimes in the Name of Honor essays

Crimes in the Name of Honor essays How important honor is? In various countries throughout the world, particularly in the Middle East and parts of South Asia, notion of family honor is extremely important. The reputation of a family in the Islamic world rests on the reputation of its women. Women are usually killed because their families suspect them of immoral behavior, and having thus dishonored their families must die. These kinds of crimes are justified in the name of honor. Honor killing is an old practice in which men kill female relatives such as sisters or daughters in order to protect their familys honor, for forced or suspected of losing their virginity outside marriage, for having refused an arranged marriage or having left a husband, even when they have been victims of a sexual crime. Therefore, women who bring dishonor to their families are forced to pay a terrible price at the hands of male family member. Among honor killings, according to UNICEF Executive Director targets violence against women, there are other kinds of violence. For example: bride burning, acid violence; in Bangladesh, a common punishment is sulfuric acid thrown in the womens face. Female infanticide has been practice as a brutal method of family planning in societies, usually of newborn girls in some communities in Asia. In the Documentary Crimes of Honor-Women in the Middle East, Rania Arafat is a young girl who ran away after falling in love with a man that her family didnt approve. Hiding from her family and fearing for her life. However, she believed in the words of her mother and father, therefore, she returned. But on the way home Rania was murdered, shot in the head by her brother. She was still a virgin. Ghazi al Marine had been married just three months, when a murder came to his home and shot his wife. The murder was her brother. According to the brother he killed her sister to p...

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