Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Lack of Treatment Is One Reason Your Social Security Disability Claim May Be Denied

Lack of Treatment Is One Reason Your Social Security Disability Claim May Be Denied Lack of Treatment Is One Reason Your Social Security Disability Claim May Be Denied Applying for Social Security Disability benefits is a long, confusing and stressful process. In fact, research shows that 70% of all claimants who file for disability benefits are initially denied. But if this happens to you, do not give up. Contact an experienced disability attorney for help in applying for disability, or appealing a denial. Even people who deserve disability benefits often have to fight before those benefits are granted. In fact, thousands of people who were once denied are now receiving their disability benefits after allowing Disability Attorneys of Michigan to help.There are a number of factors that could cause your claim for disability benefits to be denied. Below is one reason†¦Lack of Medical Treatment is the #1 reason why SSD claims are denied.If a claimant is not seeking regular medical treatment for their physical or mental impairment, the lack of medical records to support their claim can result in their claim being denied. Making sure that you recei ve continued medical treatment from licensed medical providers is essential in any Social Security Disability claim.Many ask the question, â€Å"What if I can’t afford to seek medical attention?†If you are unable to afford the medical treatment you need, look into applying for Medicaid and/or research the Affordable Care Act. Don’t hesitate to contact an experienced Social Security Disability attorney at Disability Attorneys of Michigan for help and guidance. We’re always here to answer any questions that you may have regarding disability benefits.The Disability Attorneys of Michigan work hard every day helping the disabled of Michigan obtain the disability benefits they deserve. If you are unable to work due to a physical or mental impairment call Disability Attorneys of Michigan now for a free consultation at 800-949-2900.And if you have applied for disability benefits in Michigan and have been denied, call us for help.Let Michigan’s leading Soci al Security Disability law firm help you get the benefits you  deserve.Disability Attorneys of Michigan.  Compassionate Excellence. Affordable Care Act, DA Michigan, Denied Claim, Disability Attorneys of Michigan, lack of treatment, Social Security Disability, social security disability attorneys, SSD Claim

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